Our Competition: Other Aptitude Tests for Programmer/Analyst

There are only a few commercially available tests for computer programmer/analyst that test for relevant cognitive abilities rather than knowledge of specific languages. Each of these other tests has serious shortcomings and limitations that the LPAT has taken into consideration and improved upon.

Berger Aptitude for Programming Test (B-APTTM), Psychometrics, Inc.
- Developed in the early 1960's
- Reflects older generation programming languages
- Only 30 questions (usually more questions give a more reliable measure)
- Unable to score and report online

Computer Programmer Aptitude Battery (CPABTM), Vangent, Inc.
- Created in 1964, not updated since
- Obscure vocabulary is tested

Wolfe Aptitude Assessment Battery Programming (AABPTM), Walden Testing
- Created in 1968, not updated since
- Reflects older programming languages

If you know of another competing test, or if there is other information you would like to see on this page, please let us know.

Note to Our Competitors
If you are a competitor and would like to correct a statement on this page, please contact us.